CS0-002 Practice Test Questions Answers

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CompTIA CySA+ Certification Exam (CS0-002)
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The CompTIA CySA+ certification is vital for cybersecurity professionals who manage, detect, and respond to incidents. This certification requires at least four years of practical experience in information security or closely related fields. To achieve CySA+ certification, you must score at least 750 on a scale of 100 to 900. CySA+ practice test, known for its comprehensive CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst question answers coverage, includes a wide range of CS0-002 real exam questions on all exam topics. This CS0-002 braindumps feature helps students understand the subject, prepare for exams, and identify knowledge gaps.

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CompTIA CS0-002 Sample Question Answers

Question # 1

Given the Nmap request below: Which of the following actions will an attacker be able to initiate directly against this host?

A. Password sniffing 
B. ARP spoofing 
C. A brute-force attack 
D. An SQL injection 

Question # 2

An analyst needs to provide recommendations for the AUP Which of the following is theBEST recommendation to protect the company's intellectual property? 

A. Company assets must be stored in a locked cabinet when not in use. 
B. Company assets must not be utilized for personal use or gain. 
C. Company assets should never leave the company's property. 
D. AII Internet access must be via a proxy server. 

Question # 3

A Chief Security Officer (CSO) is working on the communication requirements (or anorganization's incident response plan. In addition to technical response activities, which ofthe following is the main reason why communication must be addressed in an effectiveincident response program?

A. Public relations must receive information promptly in order to notify the community. 
B. Improper communications can create unnecessary complexity and delay response actions. 
C. Organizational personnel must only interact with trusted members of the lawenforcement community. 
D. Senior leadership should act as the only voice for the incident response team whenworking with forensics teams. 

Question # 4

A security analyst is reviewing the following DNS logs as part of security-monitoringactivities: Which of the following MOST likely occurred?

A. The attack used an algorithm to generate command and control information dynamically. 
B. The attack used encryption to obfuscate the payload and bypass detection by an IDS. 
C. The attack caused an internal host to connect to a command and control server. 
D. The attack attempted to contact www.gooqle com to verify Internet connectivity. 

Question # 5

A remote code-execution vulnerability was discovered in the RDP for the servers running akey-hosted application. While there is no automated check for this vulnerability from thevulnerability assessment vendor, the in-house technicians were able to evaluate manuallywhether this vulnerability was present through the use of custom scripts. This evaluationdetermined that all the hosts are vulnerable. A technician then tested the patch for thisvulnerability and found that it can cause stability issues in the key-hosted application. Theapplication is accessed through RDP to a jump host that does not run the applicationdirectly. To mitigate this vulnerability, the security operations team needs to provideremediation steps that will mitigate the vulnerability temporarily until the compatibility issueswith the patch are resolved. Which of the following will BEST allow systems to continue tooperate and mitigate the vulnerability in the short term?

A. Implement IPSec rules on the application servers through a GPO that limits RDP accessfrom only the jump host. Patch the jump host. Since it does not run the application natively,it will not affect the software's operation and functionality. Do not patch the applicationservers until the compatibility issue is resolved. 
B. Implement IPSec rules on the jump host server through a GPO that limits RDP accessfrom only the other application servers. Do not patch the jump host. Since it does not runthe application natively, it is at less risk of being compromised. Patch the applicationservers to secure them. 
C. Implement IPSec rules on the application servers through a GPO that limits RDP accessto only other application servers. Do not patch the jump host. Since it does not run theapplication natively, it is at less risk of being compromised. Patch the application servers tosecure them. 
D. Implement firewall rules on the application servers through a GPO that limits RDPaccess to only other application servers. Manually check the jump host to see if it has beencompromised. Patch the application servers to secure them. 

Question # 6

A company recently experienced financial fraud, which included shared passwords beingcompromised and improper levels of access being granted The company has asked asecurity analyst to helpimprove its controls.Which of the following will MOST likely help the security analyst develop better controls?

A. An evidence summarization 
B. An indicator of compromise 
C. An incident response plan 
D. A lessons-learned report 

Question # 7

The Cruel Executive Officer (CEO) of a large insurance company has reported phishingemails that contain malicious links are targeting the entire organza lion Which of thefollowing actions would work BEST to prevent against this type of attack?

A. Turn on full behavioral analysis to avert an infection 
B. Implement an EOR mail module that will rewrite and analyze email links. 
C. Reconfigure the EDR solution to perform real-time scanning of all files 
D. Ensure EDR signatures are updated every day to avert infection. 
E. Modify the EDR solution to use heuristic analysis techniques for malware. 

Question # 8

A security analyst is reviewing the following requirements (or new time clocks that will beinstalled in a shipping warehouse:• The clocks must be configured so they do not respond to ARP broadcasts.• The server must be configured with static ARP entries for each clock.Which of the following types of attacks will this configuration mitigate?

A. Spoofing 
B. Overflows 
C. Rootkits 
D. Sniffing 

Question # 9

A security analyst received a series of antivirus alerts from a workstation segment, and users reported ransomware messages. During lessons- learned activities, the analyst determines the antivirus was able to alert to abnormal behavior but did not stop this newestvariant of ransomware. Which of the following actions should be taken to BEST mitigate theeffects of this type of threat in the future?

A. Enabling application blacklisting 
B. Enabling sandboxing technology 
C. Purchasing cyber insurance 
D. Installing a firewall between the workstations and Internet 

Question # 10

An organization that uses SPF has been notified emails sent via its authorized third-partypartner are getting rejected A security analyst reviews the DNS entry and sees thefollowing:v=spfl ip4: ip4: include: robusmail.com -allThe organization's primary mail server IP is 180.10 6.6, and the secondary mail server IP is180.10.6.5. The organization's third-party mail provider is "Robust Mail" with the domainname robustmail.com.Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for the rejected emails?

A. The wrong domain name is in the SPF record. 
B. The primary and secondary email server IP addresses are out of sequence. 
C. SPF version 1 does not support third-party providers 
D. An incorrect IP version is being used. 


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